Thursday 7 October 2010

The Internet Hermits Who Crave A Divided Movement

After a lengthy break from the online side of the movement I recently decided to go back to it on a part time basis. My reason for having a break in the first place was I was becoming disillusioned by those I call the dividers, a group of internet hermits who have decided for reasons only known to themselves to dedicate their entire waking lives to online activity. Activity which includes the determined attempt to divide the animal rights movement and make a mockery of any activist or operation which disagrees with their theory. That theory being the sole use of education within animal rights and any other method of action being deemed not only unacceptable but extremely damaging to the movement. It probably wouldn't be so bad if they actually did go out there and do some education but their refusal to leave their blogs or websites for even the shortest of time hinders their ability to practice what they preach. Normally I wouldn't care less how fake activists such as this spend their time, its their lives after all but the endless stalking and aggressiveness from such divisive hermits made me rethink my online activity. I'm glad I chose to have a break since I managed to get out there and do a lot more ground work which is really what I am all about.

The internet is a great tool for recruitment and educational purposes but due to the highly divisive nature of certain individuals online who constantly try to hijack the online AR movement it is sadly becoming a frustrating and embarrassing method of activism. Recently since I have become involved with the AR Hub network it has come under attack from dividers such as Carolyn Bailey, Roger (Rabbit) Yates and the other administrators of the other single method network. They constantly try to brainwash the online community that other site or blog admins who are not part of their little yes sir no sir group are all for nothing but violence within the movement. This is complete and utter rubbish and if anyone buys this bullshit then they also need to have a look in the mirror. The philosophy I support and promote is the Any Means Necessary philosophy, this of course means that I fully support ALL methods of action as long as they are beneficial to both the movement and the animals. What the dividers always fail to mention is that I am fully supportive of educational and diplomatic methods of action just as much as I am supportive of any forceful methods of action. Before anyone listens to the silly attention seeking accusations from these people I suggest they do a little research first, its not difficult to find out what other online activists support and dont support.

Another act of complete and obvious division circulated by these egotistic and self righteous trolls is the portrayal that the heart and actions of any activist can be weighed by their IQ is nothing but absurd. On many occasions they have tried to ridicule other activists intelligence and bluntly state they can't possibly call themselves AR activists since they are unaware of a certain persons written philosophical work or read it in full detail. Since when did these fakes decide who was or was not part of the AR movement, who made them judge & jury?

Take this ridiculous exchange of views for example
(since first posting this link Carolyn Bailey has heavily edited the comments on her wall by deleting 90% of her own comments and one of my replies, it now doesnt make much sense)

Or this ill informed blog post from Mr Rabbit himself
(Since first posting this link Roger Rabbit decided to delete the entire blog post & comments with it only to re-post it again without the comments of course)

This is my response to that blog post from Yates (scroll down to the comments)

Also a small note on the activists who have given their time to Bailey's site as guests only to be abused and attacked afterwards, Pete Buthane & Anthony Marr amongst others! It is no secret that Bailey & Yates want you on there so that they can make you look like a fool. I have to ask myself why good activists freely provide their services to this site for them to be shamefully ridiculed and insulted. Mr Paul Watson from Sea Shepherd is their next target, for a site and administration which openly and directly insults the Sea Shepherd organisation as well as Paul himself its nothing short of a waste of an opportunity and a disgrace to hard working activists out there doing something real! Something these hermits know nothing about.

Those who know me from the days of ARB and MahKah will know Bailey and her band of merry fools have given me a rough ride in the past for no reason other than I was administrator of ARB. This involved the release of my personal telephone number to the internet and the harassment of ARB/MahKah members. This stopped once I closed ARB (note: I didnt close ARB because of them ;) but has once again raised its ugly head as I venture into a new network.

Before they spread more bullshit let me reassure you this is not a post centred on jealousy or a means of discrediting another site. I'm not interested in competition within the AR movement, I have always fully supported a united movement working together in the hope of achieving liberation for our animal friends which is why I get frustrated when dividers like this are so dedicated in keeping it divided.

I just wanted to make sure any ARB followers and Hub members knew the situation. Now lets get on with the REAL work :) hats off to all the true activists out there who are fighting the real fight and making a true difference for our long suffering friends!


  1. Well done here Dev and indeed, hats off I say !
    This crap all started apparently before I got on board the activist train. And I will say that I hope it ends now, having definitely seen and heard quite more that I would like....
    Now as you say "Let's get on with the real work"

  2. I was pointed to your blog and don't have your identity. What's your name? Where do you live and work? For the record, I'm expecting to participate in an ARZone Chat in a couple of weeks and have confidence and respect toward Carolyn Bailey. Life is full of uncertainty, but I think the short time I've talked to Carolyn has shown me that your depiction of her is dead wrong. I'm not offering the same sentiments about Roger Yates, but saying they operate similarly is not true.

    Priscilla Feral, President
    Friends of Animals
    Primarily Primates

  3. I have been invited by ARZone also. My chat is here.

    As is obvious from the transcript, Carolyn Bailey was perfectly courteous and consistently professional and is, I believe, an asset to the movement.

  4. Thanks Karen :)
    Priscilla, I have known Carolyn Bailey for a few years now (the history of ARB is a post here if you have a second you should read it). Carolyn is more than capable of turning on the charm when required and turning it off just as quick! I'm not telling any possible guests of Carolyn's site not to take part, this blog post is only my personal experience and opinion, all I am saying is it baffles me how some (not all) activists agree to take part as guests when the evidence is there from former chats where the zone administration have actively ridiculed and abused the guest online afterwards. Take Pete Bethune for instance, Yates and Bailey have plastered facebook with insults and abuse for this former guest (ask Pete what he thought of Bailey beforehand lol). Its entirely up to you if you choose to be a guest and I hope you enjoy your chat if you do become a guest. Hopefully you wont say anything to upset the zone admins though ;)
    Lee, your obviously in total agreement with the zone admins regarding AR therefore giving them no need to abuse or attack you online lol

  5. You can't just wake up one morning and call yourself an activist for any social movement without understanding what that movement's based on and at least the very basics of their philosophies.

    this was a statement that was made : by carolyn bailey

    i didn't know we had to to know basics of their philosophies. to understand why an animal is slaughter and abused, I though what happens in the real world would tell us what we need to know, the animals cry' s and pain is enough for anyone to go out their and help put a stop to this madness,

    Carolyn Bailey October 7 at 5:13pm
    No prizes for 2nd, Dev.

    Dev Ious October 7 at 7:52pm
    There is only one prize I want and thats animal liberation my old friend
